Zeynep H Gumus, PhD
img_Zeynep H Gumus
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR | Genetics and Genomic Sciences
Multi-Disciplinary Training Area
Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Medicine [AIET], Genetics and Genomic Sciences [GGS]

BS, Boğaziçi University

PhD, Princeton University


Selected Publications

Host Nuclear Genome Copy Number Variations Identify High-Risk Anal Precancers in People Living with HIV. Tinaye Mutetwa, Yuxin Liu, Richard Silvera, Michelle Evans, Michael Yurich, Joseph Tripodi, Issa Leonard, Jane Houldsworth, Zeynep Gmş, Anne M. Bowcock, Keith Sigel, Michael Gaisa, Paz Polak. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes

Pan-cancer proteogenomics characterization of tumor immunity. Francesca Petralia, Weiping Ma, Tomer M. Yaron, Francesca Pia Caruso, Nicole Tignor, Joshua M. Wang, Daniel Charytonowicz, Jared L. Johnson, Emily M. Huntsman, Giacomo B. Marino, Anna Calinawan, John Erol Evangelista, Myvizhi Esai Selvan, Shrabanti Chowdhury, Dmitry Rykunov, Azra Krek, Xiaoyu Song, Berk Turhan, Karen E. Christianson, David A. Lewis, Eden Z. Deng, Daniel J.B. Clarke, Jeffrey R. Whiteaker, Jacob J. Kennedy, Lei Zhao, Rossana Lazcano Segura, Harsh Batra, Maria Gabriela Raso, Edwin Roger Parra, Rama Soundararajan, Ximing Tang, Yize Li, Xinpei Yi, Shankha Satpathy, Ying Wang, Maciej Wiznerowicz, Tania J. González-Robles, Antonio Iavarone, Sara J.C. Gosline, Boris Reva, Ana I. Robles, Alexey I. Nesvizhskii, D. R. Mani, Michael A. Gillette, Robert J. Klein, Marcin Cieslik, Robert Sebra, Zeynep H. Gümüş, Avi Ma'ayan, Pei Wang. Cell

An immunogenetic basis for lung cancer risk. Chirag Krishna, Anniina Tervi, Miriam Saffern, Eric A. Wilson, Seong Keun Yoo, Nina Mars, Vladimir Roudko, Byuri Angela Cho, Samuel Edward Jones, Natalie Vaninov, Myvizhi Esai Selvan, Zeynep H. Gümüş, FinnGen, Tobias L. Lenz, Miriam Merad, Paolo Boffetta, Francisco Martínez-Jiménez, Hanna M. Ollila, Robert M. Samstein, Diego Chowell. Science

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