Stuart A Aaronson, MD
img_Stuart A Aaronson
PROFESSOR | Oncological Sciences
PROFESSOR | Medicine
Research Topics
Aging, Cancer, Growth Factors and Receptors, Oncogenes, Signal Transduction
Multi-Disciplinary Training Area
Cancer Biology [CAB], Disease Mechanisms and Therapeutics (DMT)

The Aaronson laboratory is involved in cancer gene discovery and function with the goal of identifying novel targets for therapy. Topics currently under investigation include growth factors and receptors, Wnt and Hippo developmental pathways deregulated in cancer as well as the p53 tumor suppressor gene. Past discoveries include ErbB2, initially identified by his lab as an amplified erbB related gene in a primary human breast cancer. The lab has also discovered and characterized genes for a number of other growth factor signaling molecules activated as oncogenes in human malignancies. This research has contributed to novel cancer drugs including Herceptin, which targets ERBB2, and KGF/FGF7, which became Kepivance, for treatment of cancer therapy associated mucositis. Other discoveries including erbB3, PDGFR alpha, and HGF as the ligand for MET, have also led to agents currently in clinical development as cancer therapeutics. More recent accomplishments include identification of a Wnt autocrine mechanism that contributes to the transformed phenotypes of several major human tumors and novel homeostatic stress responses involving the p53 tumor suppressor gene.

Visit the Aaronson Laboratory

BS, University of California, Berkeley

Chief of Lab, National Cancer Institute

Internship, Moffitt Hospital

MD, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine

Postdoctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute


Italian National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member

Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei


National FLC Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Kepivance: Improving the Quality of Life for Cancer Patients


Chirone Prize


Milken Award


PHS Distinguished Service Medal


Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize


PHS Meritorious Service Medal


AACR - Outstanding Achievement in Cancer Research Award

American Association for Cancer Research


Alpha Omega Alpha


Phi BetaKappa


Selected Publications

Modulation of tumor inflammatory signaling and drug sensitivity by CMTM4. Yitian Xu, Kyeongah Kang, Brian A. Coakley, Samuel Eisenstein, Arshiya Parveen, Sunny Mai, Yuan Shuo Wang, Junjun Zheng, Debasish Boral, Junhua Mai, William Pan, Licheng Zhang, Stuart A. Aaronson, Bingliang Fang, Celia Divino, Bin Zhang, Won Min Song, Mien Chie Hung, Ping Ying Pan, Shu Hsia Chen. EMBO Journal

Apoptotic cell death in disease—Current understanding of the NCCD 2023. Ilio Vitale, Federico Pietrocola, Emma Guilbaud, Stuart A. Aaronson, John M. Abrams, Dieter Adam, Massimiliano Agostini, Patrizia Agostinis, Emad S. Alnemri, Lucia Altucci, Ivano Amelio, David W. Andrews, Rami I. Aqeilan, Eli Arama, Eric H. Baehrecke, Siddharth Balachandran, Daniele Bano, Nickolai A. Barlev, Jiri Bartek, Nicolas G. Bazan, Christoph Becker, Francesca Bernassola, Mathieu J.M. Bertrand, Marco E. Bianchi, Mikhail V. Blagosklonny, J. Magarian Blander, Giovanni Blandino, Klas Blomgren, Christoph Borner, Carl D. Bortner, Pierluigi Bove, Patricia Boya, Catherine Brenner, Petr Broz, Thomas Brunner, Rune Busk Damgaard, George A. Calin, Michelangelo Campanella, Eleonora Candi, Michele Carbone, Didac Carmona-Gutierrez, Francesco Cecconi, Francis K.M. Chan, Guo Qiang Chen, Quan Chen, Youhai H. Chen, Emily H. Cheng, Jerry E. Chipuk, John A. Cidlowski, Aaron Ciechanover, Gennaro Ciliberto, Marcus Conrad, Juan R. Cubillos-Ruiz, Peter E. Czabotar, Vincenzo D’Angiolella, Mads Daugaard, Ted M. Dawson, Valina L. Dawson, Ruggero De Maria, Bart De Strooper, Klaus Michael Debatin, Ralph J. Deberardinis, Alexei Degterev, Giannino Del Sal, Mohanish Deshmukh, Francesco Di Virgilio, Marc Diederich, Scott J. Dixon, Brian D. Dynlacht, Wafik S. El-Deiry, John W. Elrod, Kurt Engeland, Gian Maria Fimia, Claudia Galassi, Carlo Ganini, Ana J. Garcia-Saez, Abhishek D. Garg, Carmen Garrido, Evripidis Gavathiotis, Motti Gerlic, Sourav Ghosh, Douglas R. Green, Lloyd A. Greene, Hinrich Gronemeyer, Georg Häcker, György Hajnóczky, J. Marie Hardwick, Ygal Haupt, Sudan He, David M. Heery, Michael O. Hengartner, Claudio Hetz, David A. Hildeman, Hidenori Ichijo, Satoshi Inoue, Marja Jäättelä, Ana Janic, Bertrand Joseph, Philipp J. Jost, Thirumala Devi Kanneganti, Michael Karin, Hamid Kashkar, Thomas Kaufmann, Gemma L. Kelly, Oliver Kepp, Adi Kimchi, Richard N. Kitsis, Daniel J. Klionsky, Ruth Kluck, Dmitri V. Krysko, Dagmar Kulms, Sharad Kumar, Sergio Lavandero, Inna N. Lavrik, John J. Lemasters, Gianmaria Liccardi, Andreas Linkermann, Stuart A. Lipton, Richard A. Lockshin, Carlos López-Otín, Tom Luedde, Marion MacFarlane, Frank Madeo, Walter Malorni, Gwenola Manic, Roberto Mantovani, Saverio Marchi, Jean Christophe Marine, Seamus J. Martin, Jean Claude Martinou, Pier G. Mastroberardino, Jan Paul Medema, Patrick Mehlen, Pascal Meier, Gerry Melino, Sonia Melino, Edward A. Miao, Ute M. Moll, Cristina Muñoz-Pinedo, Daniel J. Murphy, Maria Victoria Niklison-Chirou, Flavia Novelli, Gabriel Núñez, Andrew Oberst, Dimitry Ofengeim, Joseph T. Opferman, Moshe Oren, Michele Pagano, Theocharis Panaretakis, Manolis Pasparakis, Josef M. Penninger, Francesca Pentimalli, David M. Pereira, Shazib Pervaiz, Marcus E. Peter, Paolo Pinton, Giovanni Porta, Jochen H.M. Prehn, Hamsa Puthalakath, Gabriel A. Rabinovich, Krishnaraj Rajalingam, Kodi S. Ravichandran, Markus Rehm, Jean Ehrland Ricci, Rosario Rizzuto, Nirmal Robinson, Cecilia M.P. Rodrigues, Barak Rotblat, Carla V. Rothlin, David C. Rubinsztein, Thomas Rudel, Alessandro Rufini, Kevin M. Ryan, Kristopher A. Sarosiek, Akira Sawa, Emre Sayan, Kate Schroder, Luca Scorrano, Federico Sesti, Feng Shao, Yufang Shi, Giuseppe S. Sica, John Silke, Hans Uwe Simon, Antonella Sistigu, Anastasis Stephanou, Brent R. Stockwell, Flavie Strapazzon, Andreas Strasser, Liming Sun, Erwei Sun, Qiang Sun, Gyorgy Szabadkai, Stephen W.G. Tait, Daolin Tang, Nektarios Tavernarakis, Carol M. Troy, Boris Turk, Nicoletta Urbano, Peter Vandenabeele, Tom Vanden Berghe, Matthew G. Vander Heiden, Jacqueline L. Vanderluit, Alexei Verkhratsky, Andreas Villunger, Silvia von Karstedt, Anne K. Voss, Karen H. Vousden, Domagoj Vucic, Daniela Vuri, Erwin F. Wagner, Henning Walczak, David Wallach, Ruoning Wang, Ying Wang, Achim Weber, Will Wood, Takahiro Yamazaki, Huang Tian Yang, Zahra Zakeri, Joanna E. Zawacka-Pankau, Lin Zhang, Haibing Zhang, Boris Zhivotovsky, Wenzhao Zhou, Mauro Piacentini, Guido Kroemer, Lorenzo Galluzzi. Cell Death and Differentiation

ROCK1 mechano-signaling dependency of human malignancies driven by TEAD/YAP activation. Davide Esposito, Ila Pant, Yao Shen, Rui F. Qiao, Xiaobao Yang, Yiyang Bai, Jian Jin, Poulikos I. Poulikakos, Stuart A. Aaronson. Nature Communications

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