Robert S Krauss, PhD
img_Robert S Krauss
PROFESSOR | Cell, Developmental & Regenerative Biology
PROFESSOR | Oncological Sciences
Research Topics
Cell Adhesion, Cell Biology, Cellular Differentiation, Cytoskeleton, Developmental Biology, Developmental Neurobiology, Genetics, Human Genetics and Genetic Disorders, Knockout Mice, Muscle Cells, Muscular Dystrophy, Protein Kinases, Signal Transduction, Stem Cells
Multi-Disciplinary Training Area
Cancer Biology [CAB], Development Regeneration and Stem Cells [DRS]

The Krauss lab is interested in regulation of cell adhesion and signal transduction pathways during embryonic development and tissue regeneration, and how such processes may go awry in disease. The lab has two major areas of focus.


First, we are interested in development and regeneration of skeletal muscle. We have identified multiprotein cell surface complexes that promote differentiation of skeletal muscle precursor cells in response to cell-cell contact and adhesion. We use a combination of approaches, including mouse genetics, cell biology and biochemistry to probe the biological functions and molecular mechanisms of such complexes in skeletal myogenesis. We have recently turned our attention to how specific cell adhesion molecules regulate the niche and activity of muscle stem cells during homeostasis and regeneration following injury.


We are also interested mechanisms whereby the Hedgehog signaling pathway regulates development of the midline of the forebrain and midface. Mutations in Hedgehog pathway genes are associated with the common and often devastating developmental defect holoprosencephaly (HPE). However, the clinical outcome of mutation carriers is extremely variable, and additional genetic or environmental factors are required for strong defects. Using mouse models of such interactions and functional analyses of human HPE-associated mutations, we aim to provide information on mechanisms of HPE that will be valuable for genetic counseling and preventive action.


For more information, please visit the Krauss Laboratory website.

PhD, University of North Carolina

Postdoc, Columbia University


Editorial Board

Skeletal Muscle


Editorial Board

Molecular and Cellular Biology



Society for Muscle Biology


Editorial Board

Journal of Cell Science


Established Investigator Award

American Heart Association


Career Scientist Award

Irma T. Hirschl Trust

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Dr. Krauss has not yet completed reporting of Industry relationships.

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