Rachel Yehuda, PhD
img_Rachel Yehuda
PROFESSOR | Psychiatry
PROFESSOR | Neuroscience
Research Topics
Behavioral Health, Brain, Brain Imaging, Epidemiology, Epigenetics, Gene Expressions, Gene Regulation, Hormones, Lymphocytes, MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Memory, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology, Positron Emission Tomography, Stress, Translation, Trauma
Multi-Disciplinary Training Area
Neuroscience [NEU]

Many of our programs are funded by national agencies such as the National Institute of Mental Health, Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Our programs are designed to gain a better scientific understanding of the biology of stress reactions, and how to treat them better. Through this funded research we have been able to gain a better understanding of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and stress responses.

Stress Response
When confronted with extreme stress, the body initiates many chemical reactions to facilitate a quick escape from stress. The amygdala is the brain region that alerts the body to danger and activates hormonal systems. Activation of the hormones noradrenaline and adrenaline results in accelerated breathing, pulse, and heart rate, and increased release of energy to muscles and other organs, which literally helps people run faster from stress or mobilize a response that requires coping with the stressor head-on. Once the immediate danger has passed, other hormones, particularly the hormone cortisol, help terminate stress-activated reactions. Usually, the more stress there is, the more cortisol is needed to contain the stress response. Our work has demonstrated that trauma survivors with PTSD have higher levels of noradrenaline1,2 and lower levels of the hormone cortisol.3,4,5

Hormonal Studies of Trauma Survivors

Studies of Memory


Selected Publications

Author Correction: Modeling gene × environment interactions in PTSD using human neurons reveals diagnosis-specific glucocorticoid-induced gene expression(Nature Neuroscience, 10.1038/s41593-022-01161-y). Carina Seah, Michael S. Breen, Tom Rusielewicz, Heather N. Bader, Changxin Xu, Christopher J. Hunter, Barry McCarthy, P. J.Michael Deans, Mitali Chattopadhyay, Jordan Goldberg, Saunil Dobariya, Frank Desarnaud, Iouri Makotkine, Janine D. Flory, Linda M. Bierer, Migle Staniskyte, Matthew Zimmer, Hongyan Zhou, Dong Woo Shin, Rebecca Tibbets, Bruce Sun, Kathryn Reggio, Reid Otto, Dorota Moroziewicz, Frederick J. Monsma, Paul McCoy, Hector Martinez, Gregory Lallos, Travis Kroeker, Selwyn Jacob, Jenna Hall, Peter Ferrarotto, Patrick Fenton, Sean DesMarteau, Geoff Buckley-Herd, Katie Brenner, Lauren Bauer, Scott A. Noggle, Laura M. Huckins, Daniel Paull, Kristen J. Brennand, Rachel Yehuda. Nature Neuroscience

Psychedelics assisting therapy, or therapy assisting psychedelics? The importance of psychotherapy in psychedelic-assisted therapy. Joseph A. Zamaria, Gisele Fernandes-Osterhold, Jonathan Shedler, Rachel Yehuda. Frontiers in Psychology

Circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA levels and glucocorticoid sensitivity in a cohort of male veterans with and without combat-related PTSD. Zachary N. Blalock, Gwyneth W.Y. Wu, Daniel Lindqvist, Caroline Trumpff, Janine D. Flory, Jue Lin, Victor I. Reus, Ryan Rampersaud, Rasha Hammamieh, Aarti Gautam, Kerry J. Ressler, Ruoting Yang, Seid Muhie, Bernie J. Daigle, Linda M. Bierer, Leroy Hood, Kai Wang, Inyoul Lee, Kelsey R. Dean, Pramod R. Somvanshi, Francis J. Doyle, Charles R. Marmar, Marti Jett, Rachel Yehuda, Owen M. Wolkowitz, Synthia H. Mellon. Translational Psychiatry

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Rachel Yehuda, PhD, Vice Chair for Veterans Affairs for Psychiatry

Physicians and scientists on the faculty of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai often interact with pharmaceutical, device, biotechnology companies, and other outside entities to improve patient care, develop new therapies and achieve scientific breakthroughs. In order to promote an ethical and transparent environment for conducting research, providing clinical care and teaching, Mount Sinai requires that salaried faculty inform the School of their outside financial relationships.

Below are financial relationships with industry reported by Dr. Yehuda during 2024 and/or 2025. Please note that this information may differ from information posted on corporate sites due to timing or classification differences.

Consulting or Other Professional Services Examples include, but are not limited to, committee participation, data safety monitoring board (DSMB) membership

  • The Office for Human Research Protections
  • Digital Life Design Conference
  • State of the Art (SOTA) Conferences
  • Australian Childhood Foundation

Mount Sinai's faculty policies relating to faculty collaboration with industry are posted on our website. Patients may wish to ask their physician about the activities they perform for companies.