Kevin Costa, PhD
img_Kevin Costa
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR | Medicine, Cardiology
Research Topics
Biomechanics/Bioengineering, Cardiovascular, Cellular Differentiation, Computer Simulation, Cytoskeleton, Mathematical Modeling of Biomedical Systems, Muscle Cells, Regeneration, Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering, Wound Healing
Multi-Disciplinary Training Area
Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Medicine [AIET], Development Regeneration and Stem Cells [DRS], Disease Mechanisms and Therapeutics (DMT)
Tissue Engineering And Cardiac Repair
This research involves development of innovative new tools and approaches combining soft lithography, cell patterning, and bioreactor design for tissue and organoid engineering, with the overall objective of improving the understanding and efficacy of novel cell- and gene-therapy based approaches for cardiac repair.
Atomic Force Microscopy And Cell Mechanobiology
This research is focused on enhancing and expanding the kinds of measurements that can be obtained from AFM mechanical testing experiments, to better understand how physical forces impact cardiovascular cell function.

MS, Boston University

PhD, University of California, San Diego

Creating Heart Stem Cells

Physicians and scientists on the faculty of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai often interact with pharmaceutical, device, biotechnology companies, and other outside entities to improve patient care, develop new therapies and achieve scientific breakthroughs. In order to promote an ethical and transparent environment for conducting research, providing clinical care and teaching, Mount Sinai requires that salaried faculty inform the School of their outside financial relationships.

Dr. Costa has not yet completed reporting of Industry relationships.

Mount Sinai's faculty policies relating to faculty collaboration with industry are posted on our website. Patients may wish to ask their physician about the activities they perform for companies.