Kateri Moore, DVM
img_Kateri Moore
PROFESSOR EMERITUS | Cell, Developmental & Regenerative Biology
Research Topics
Aging, Bioinformatics, Cell Adhesion, Cell Biology, Cell Cycle, Cell Division, Cellular Differentiation, Developmental Biology, Epigenetics, Gene Discovery, Genomics, Hematopoiesis, Mathematical Modeling of Biomedical Systems, Molecular Biology, Stem Cells, Transcription Factors, Transgenic Mice
Hematopoietic Stem Cells Normal and Reprogrammed
Specific Clinical/Research Interest: Stem Cells/Microenvironment/Stem Cell Niche,  Molecular regulation of hematopoietic stem cell self renewal and differentiation, molecular interaction of stem cells and microenvironmental elements. Direct differentiation of somatic cells into hematopoietic stem cells.

Current Students: Jeffrey Bernitz
Michael Daniel
Andreia Gomes
Research Personnel: Ying Liu
Summary of Research Studies: Primary research interest is in defining the cellular and molecular nature of the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and in particular the molecular cross-talk between stem cells and their niche. Approach is to use mouse models to study HSC during normal homeostasis and after stress. Also using specific factors to directly induce HSCs from somatic cells to develop patient specific stem cells and differentiated blood products for cell replacement therapies.

BS, Kansas State University

DVM, Kansas State University

Post Doctoral, Baylor College of Medicine


R01 HL119404-01A1



National Research Service Award

National Institutes of Health

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Dr. Moore has not yet completed reporting of Industry relationships.

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