Joel Blanchard, PhD
img_Joel Blanchard
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR | Cell, Developmental & Regenerative Biology
Research Topics
Aging, Alzheimer's Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Biomechanics/Bioengineering, Biomedical Sciences, Blood-Brain Barrier, Brain, Cell Biology, Cellular Differentiation, Coronavirus, Cytokines, Developmental Biology, Developmental Neurobiology, Differentiation, Drug Design and Discovery, Education, Endothelial Cells, Gene Expressions, Gene Regulation, Gene editing, Genetics, Genomics, Induced pluripotent stem cells, Membranes, Memory, Microbiology, Microglia, Molecular Biology, Myelination, Nanotechnology, Neurobiology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Niemann Pick Disease, RNA, RNA Splicing & Processing, RNA Transport & Localization, Stroke
Multi-Disciplinary Training Area
Development Regeneration and Stem Cells [DRS], Neuroscience [NEU]
Alzheimer's disease and Stem Cell Biology
Joel Blanchard, PhD, is an Investigator in the Black Family Stem Cell Institute, The Ronald Loeb Center for Alzheimer’s Disease, and an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Neuroscience, and Cell, Developmental and Regenerative Biology. He trained in stem cell biology and neuroscience at Harvard University and The Scripps Research Institute and completed post-doctoral studies at MIT. The Blanchard lab aims to develop cutting-edge in vitro models of the human brain. We then apply these models in conjunction with studies on post-mortem human brain tissue to understand and therapeutically target genetic and environmental vulnerabilities to neurodegeneration.

BS, St. Lawrence University

MLA, Harvard University

PhD, Scripps Research Institute


New award

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Dr. Blanchard has not yet completed reporting of Industry relationships.

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