Jennifer Kelschenbach, PhD
img_Jennifer Kelschenbach
ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSOR | Medicine, Infectious Diseases

BS, State University of New York at Binghamton

PhD, University of Minnesota


Selected Publications

The single-cell opioid responses in the context of HIV (SCORCH) consortium. Seth A. Ament, Rianne R. Campbell, Mary Kay Lobo, Joseph P. Receveur, Kriti Agrawal, Alejandra Borjabad, Siddappa N. Byrareddy, Linda Chang, Declan Clarke, Prashant Emani, Dana Gabuzda, Kyle J. Gaulton, Michelle Giglio, Federico M. Giorgi, Busra Gok, Chittibabu Guda, Eran Hadas, Brian R. Herb, Wen Hu, Anita Huttner, Mohammad R. Ishmam, Michelle M. Jacobs, Jennifer Kelschenbach, Dong Wook Kim, Cheyu Lee, Shuhui Liu, Xiaokun Liu, Bertha K. Madras, Anup A. Mahurkar, Deborah C. Mash, Eran A. Mukamel, Meng Niu, Richard M. O’Connor, Chelsea M. Pagan, Alina P.S. Pang, Piya Pillai, Vez Repunte-Canonigo, W. Brad Ruzicka, Jay Stanley, Timothy Tickle, Shang Yi A. Tsai, Allen Wang, Lauren Wills, Alyssa M. Wilson, Susan N. Wright, Siwei Xu, Junchen Yang, Maryam Zand, Le Zhang, Jing Zhang, Schahram Akbarian, Shilpa Buch, Christine S. Cheng, Michael J. Corley, Howard S. Fox, Mark Gerstein, Suryaram Gummuluru, Myriam Heiman, Ya Chi Ho, Manolis Kellis, Paul J. Kenny, Yuval Kluger, Teresa A. Milner, David J. Moore, Susan Morgello, Lishomwa C. Ndhlovu, Tariq M. Rana, Pietro Paolo Sanna, John S. Satterlee, Nenad Sestan, Stephen A. Spector, Serena Spudich, Hagen U. Tilgner, David J. Volsky, Owen R. White, Dionne W. Williams, Hongkui Zeng. Molecular Psychiatry

CCL2 is required for initiation but not persistence of HIV infection mediated neurocognitive disease in mice. Boe Hyun Kim, Eran Hadas, Jennifer Kelschenbach, Wei Chao, Chao Jiang Gu, Mary Jane Potash, David J. Volsky. Scientific Reports

Protocol for optimizing production and quality control of infective EcoHIV virions. Hammodah R. Alfar, Daphne N. Pariser, Harry Chanzu, Smita Joshi, Daniëlle M. Coenen, Joshua Lykins, Kanakanagavalli Shravani Prakhya, Mary Jane Potash, Wei Chao, Jennifer Kelschenbach, David J. Volsky, Kelly Metcalf-Pate, Sidney W. Whiteheart. STAR Protocols

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