Dusan Bogunovic, PhD
img_Dusan Bogunovic
ADJUNCT PROFESSOR | Oncological Sciences
ADJUNCT PROFESSOR | Immunology & Immunotherapy
Research Topics
Cellular Immunity, Cytokines, Gene Regulation, Gene Therapy, Genetics, Genomics, Human Genetics and Genetic Disorders, Immune Antagonism, Immune Deficiency, Immunological Tolerance, Immunology, Immunosuppression, Infectious Disease, Inflammation, Interferon, Lymphocytes, Viruses and Virology
Multi-Disciplinary Training Area
Development Regeneration and Stem Cells [DRS], Microbiology [MIC]
Human Immunogenetics
The Bogunovic lab focuses on the study of human immunogenetics. We aim to improve understanding of the human immune system by studying: 1) Individuals with rare auto-inflammatory syndromes. 2) Individuals with severe clinical presentations of infectious diseases. 3) Developing broad spectrum antiviral therapeutics. 4) Understanding immune system in Down syndrome. To dissect these phenotypes and develop therapeutics we use genomic, genetic, molecular biology, cellular biology, immunology and clinical tools. The hypothesis of the lab is that inter-individual variability in immune responses (in auto-inflammatory syndromes and infections) can also be explained by the immune genetic composition of the host. We aim to illuminate the elusive pathogenesis of these diseases, hoping to lay the foundation for a novel and paradigm-shifting approach to the rational design of both preventative medicine (vaccines and genetic counseling) and treatments beyond currently used antimicrobials.
Lab Website

PhD, New York University Medical School

Postdoctoral Fellow, The Rockefeller University


Hirschl Scholar Award

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


Quickfire Challenge Winner

Johnson and Johnson


Lamport Research Award

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


Young Investigator Award

American Society for Microbiology


Milstein Award for Young Investigators

International Cytokine and Interferon Society


Selected Publications

Monoallelic expression can govern penetrance of inborn errors of immunity. O’Jay Stewart, Conor Gruber, Haley E. Randolph, Roosheel Patel, Meredith Ramba, Enrica Calzoni, Lei Haley Huang, Jay Levy, Sofija Buta, Angelica Lee, Christos Sazeides, Zoe Prue, David P. Hoytema van Konijnenburg, Ivan K. Chinn, Luis A. Pedroza, James R. Lupski, Erica G. Schmitt, Megan A. Cooper, Anne Puel, Xiao Peng, Stéphanie Boisson-Dupuis, Jacinta Bustamante, Satoshi Okada, Marta Martin-Fernandez, Jordan S. Orange, Jean Laurent Casanova, Joshua D. Milner, Dusan Bogunovic. Nature

Multiomics dissection of human RAG deficiency reveals distinctive patterns of immune dysregulation but a common inflammatory signature. Marita Bosticardo, Kerry Dobbs, Ottavia M. Delmonte, Andrew J. Martins, Francesca Pala, Tomoki Kawai, Heather Kenney, Gloria Magro, Lindsey B. Rosen, Yasuhiro Yamazaki, Hsin Hui Yu, Enrica Calzoni, Yu Nee Lee, Can Liu, Jennifer Stoddard, Julie Niemela, Danielle Fink, Riccardo Castagnoli, Meredith Ramba, Aristine Cheng, Deanna Riley, Vasileios Oikonomou, Elana Shaw, Brahim Belaid, Sevgi Keles, Waleed Al-Herz, Caterina Cancrini, Cristina Cifaldi, Safa Baris, Svetlana Sharapova, Catharina Schuetz, Andrew R. Gennery, Alexandra F. Freeman, Raz Somech, Sharon Choo, Silvia C. Giliani, Tayfun Güngör, Daniel Drozdov, Isabelle Meyts, Despina Moshous, Benedicte Neven, Roshini S. Abraham, Aisha El-Marsafy, Maria Kanariou, Alejandra King, Francesco Licciardi, Mario E. Cruz-Muñoz, Paolo Palma, Cecilia Poli, Dusan Bogunovic. Science immunology

Impaired development of memory B cells and antibody responses in humans and mice deficient in PD-1 signaling. Masato Ogishi, Koji Kitaoka, Kim L. Good-Jacobson, Darawan Rinchai, Baihao Zhang, Jun Wang, Vincent Gies, Geetha Rao, Tina Nguyen, Danielle T. Avery, Taushif Khan, Megan E. Smithmyer, Joseph Mackie, Rui Yang, Andrés Augusto Arias, Takaki Asano, Khoren Ponsin, Matthieu Chaldebas, Peng Zhang, Jessica N. Peel, Jonathan Bohlen, Romain Lévy, Simon J. Pelham, Wei Te Lei, Ji Eun Han, Iris Fagniez, Maya Chrabieh, Candice Laine, David Langlais, Conor Gruber, Fatima Al Ali, Mahbuba Rahman, Caner Aytekin, Basilin Benson, Matthew J. Dufort, Clara Domingo-Vila, Kunihiko Moriya, Mark Shlomchik, Gulbu Uzel, Paul E. Gray, Daniel Suan, Kahn Preece, Ignatius Chua, Satoshi Okada, Shunsuke Chikuma, Hiroshi Kiyonari, Timothy I. Tree, Dusan Bogunovic, Philippe Gros, Nico Marr, Cate Speake, Richard A. Oram, Vivien Béziat, Jacinta Bustamante, Laurent Abel, Bertrand Boisson, Anne Sophie Korganow, Cindy S. Ma, Matthew B. Johnson, Kenji Chamoto, Stéphanie Boisson-Dupuis, Tasuku Honjo, Jean Laurent Casanova, Stuart G. Tangye. Immunity

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